Entrevista a Marcos Garzo, cofundador i CEO de Sporttips

We interviewed Marcos Garzo, co-founder and CEO of Sporttips, a technology platform that offers sport, health and wellness services, connecting athletes with certified specialists. ‘We have developed an ecosystem (’Ecosystem as a Service‘) based on a technology (’EaaS‘) that allows us to provide customised solutions to various types of partners: from major federations, events, clubs, gyms, etc. that cannot afford to have this transversal and digital ecosystem “in-house”, to multinational companies and SMEs that need better productivity and a better return on investment (use) of the benefits they offer to their people (employees) to strengthen their company culture’, explains Garzo. Sporttips' motto is “Fez del deporte un hábito saludable” and its main objective is “to create bridges with entities / collectives and companies that share this same vision and want to take action to further energize the sports industry in Spain and professionalize and democratize the best services for athletes (amateurs and professionals), with a clear focus on Sport, Health and Wellness”.


On October 1st and 2nd, INDESCAT participated in the second in-person meeting of the ESMIS project in Dublin, organized by Sport Ireland. The project is currently in the phase of creating a digital platform that will help sports facility managers to access information and find inspiration from best practices in sustainability implemented by other facilities across Europe.

More than a hundred members of INDESCAT, the sports industry cluster in Catalonia, participated today in the Day of strategic reflection and innovation in relation to the trends that will mark the future of the sports industry. The event, which was held at the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, was based on the INDESCAT TRENDS 2024 study. More than 25 trends and other industries that will transform the sports sector prepared by the cluster itself. Among the most relevant trends were the evolution of technology, the hyper-personalisation of products and services, and a holistic view of health.

Entrevistem a Mireia Álvarez, presidenta del Clúster Internacional del Pàdel, qui explica que "el repte més important que tenim a curt termini es consolidar el Clúster. Per aconseguir-ho, continuem treballant en la creació d’una estructura pròpia professional i la creació de nous serveis". "D'altra banda, a llarg termini volem impulsar el pàdel com esport olímpic i potenciar la sostenibilitat en tots el àmbits d’actuació" especifica Álvarez. La presidenta del Clúster Internacional del Pàdel assegura que "la pertinença a INDESCAT ens permetrà connectar amb altres actors de la indústria esportiva, facilitant la creació d'aliances estratègiques que ampliïn el nostre abast tant a nivell local com internacional".

INDESCAT participated on September 24th and 25th in the in-person meeting of the I3-INSHAPE project in Rovaniemi, Finland. During the meeting, organized by the Lapland University of Applied Sciences, the next phase of the project was presented to the rest of the consortium: an Open Call to receive funding in the form of cascade funding to participate in interregional innovation projects.

Alimmenta, Eurecat, Guinew, Osoning, SpeakersPRO, Sweanty, and the Barcelona Sports Hub startup Adapta. These are the organisations that participated in the INDESCAT stand at the Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental international cycling festival, held in Girona on 20, 21 and 22 September.

More than thirty professionals from the sports industry attended today the first edition of the Esmorzar INDESCAT, which we have held at the Fundació Carulla.



INDESCAT will soon open a new exclusive communication channel for cluster members!

This is a new service to receive news and notices through Whatsapp.

INDESCAT will bring you up to date with all the relevant information from the cluster: the most important news, upcoming events, new calls for grants, etc.

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